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couper le prix de 50% pis sa se vend comme des petit pain chaud garantie
But who's going to pay that much for a Toyota
i don't see why this should cost more than 60K$ as is. it's purpose built, raw and well made, there's no fancy leather stitching or anything that actually costs money. but frikken sick! 18 wheeler tractor trailers do 500 000km, last forever, and you can live in them for that price, what's this little jeep got on those things durability-wize to justify such a big price for such a little, very basic truck. it's got to be easy to build too because there's nothing to it.
couper le prix de 50% pis sa se vend comme des petit pain chaud garantie
si c'est fait a la main a l'unite en plus le prix de revient est facile a comprendre
i agree with that, mais pour genre 15$ de plus, t'achetes un aston martin, faite a main, avec 1000X plus de techonologies pour pouvoir au moin te donner le sentiment d'avoir eu de quoi pour ton argent si c'est la niche de main d'oeuvre que tu te cherches.
i don't see why this should cost more than 60K$ as is. it's purpose built, raw and well made, there's no fancy leather stitching or anything that actually costs money. but frikken sick! 18 wheeler tractor trailers do 500 000km, last forever, and you can live in them for that price, what's this little jeep got on those things durability-wize to justify such a big price for such a little, very basic truck. it's got to be easy to build too because there's nothing to it.