The SAAQ Will Lower Rates!

Fewer accidents in the province of Quebec will have a positive effect on drivers who will be compensated with a reduction in fees paid to the SAAQ starting in 2016.

Registration fees for a vehicle will drop to $55 from $64 and insurance fees will drop from $120 to $64 on your driver’s license. This represents a reduction of 35% for 4 million drivers in the province.

While the government is scrounging for extra cash, the SAAQ is independent and its insurance rates are directly influenced by the amount of accidents each year.

«Si la Société peut proposer de telles réductions, c’est parce que le bilan routier s’est amélioré au cours des sept dernières années. Tous constateront que le niveau des contributions d’assurance est directement lié à leurs comportements sur les routes. Être prudent, c’est payant !», the SAAQ said in a press release Thursday morning.

The surplus from last year totaled $1.1 billion and they have been able to wipe out the $2.7 billion deficit from 2008 ten years sooner than projected.