VWfest Looks To Woo Euro Fans At Circuit Mont Tremblant Car Show

In the large all-encompassing car show called Cars On Fire which is taking place at Circuit Mont Tremblant on August 20, VWfest looks to provide European car lovers with something special.

While it will not a large as some of the or major Euro shows  (VWfest has set aside only a few hundred spots for the show & shine) it looks to stand out in terms of quality over quantity. In fact the team from famed Euro show Eurokracy is being brought in to conduct a limbo competition. It’s the first time Eurokracy will conduct such a competition outside one of their own events. Furthermore the competition will be open to anyone at the show, not just the Euro cars.

Another twist that VWfest has planned which hasn’t been attempted before is participant registration and voting by smartphone. The goal is to automate the process as much as possible. Cars On Fire will award a first and second place for each brand so that means just two VWs will take home trophies.

If you plan on attending we encourage you to sign up for updates via the event page here:

